A simple way to keep track of your entire crew, past and present.
Fire Fighter Profiles provide quick access to each team member’s detailed work history. Through their profile you can review their training scorecard and incident attendance, as well as their professional development. Personalized reporting gives you valuable insights into each member’s status and performance. Giving you confidence they are ready to go out and save lives.
If you enable Fire Fighter accounts you can empower your team members to access their own profile. Not only does this give them the same visibility into their work history and current level of engagement. They are also able to update and maintain their personal information themselves, saving you from having to manage all those changes.
Easily Manage Your Entire Crew
Each team member has a personal profile so all of their career development can be documented. Member profiles allow you to view individual training and incident histories, as well as important aspects of their professional development. Giving you and your team members easy visibility into their personal contributions and career development.
Team Member Dashboard
Individual dashboards allow you to see important KPIs and trends for each team member. Easily review training participation and know when they were last assessed for each key skill. See their incident response trend and a breakdown of call types. See each team member’s history of SCBA usage, on the job injuries, and exposure events. Receive notifications about career milestones and expiring licenses or certifications.
Training and Incident History
Explore each team member’s entire training participation and incident attendance history. Each member profile has a list of every single training event and incident call they have attended during their time with your department. Scroll through in chronological order or use the advanced search function to find exactly what you are looking for.
Track Professional Development
Keeping track of important certifications, licenses, courses, etc in one place makes it easy for team members to be sure they are current with all their professional requirements. They can set expiry dates and get renewal reminders ensuring they never lapse.
An important part of professional development is taking part in conferences and other similar events. Team members can document their participation and attach relevant documents and media.